2023 Bag Tags

Submit match
Name Sort descending Total
Armando Enseñat 68.00
Benjamin Chakuas 18.00
Brian Schilt 19.00
Carl Bishop 24.00
Chris Hatch 13.00
Chris May 4.00
Daniel Knight 133.00
Daniel Trippi 26.00
Danny G 25.00
Eli Taube 191.00
Eli Wood 203.00
Ike D 12.00
Jake Ritter 18.00
Jayson Johnson 76.00
Jeremy Marsh 23.00
Jev Franco 156.00
Jose Rivera 15.00
Josh Kendall 54.00
Kenneth Wheeler 0.00
Kian Schultz 15.00
Lance Levine 61.00
Luckie Bigelow 29.00
Marcus Rice 11.00
Martez Dunson 10.00
Matt Higley 12.00
Matthew Hygh 9.00
Nathan Clark 0.00
Randall Roberts 62.00
Randy Gaines, Jr 37.00
Rick Gill 0.00
Rob Beach 72.00
Rob Cyr 23.00
Ryan Bacon 67.00
Stephen Williams 16.00
Steve Pierce 8.00
Taylor Livingston 32.00
Tim Martin 278.00
Travis Blodgett 385.00
Tyler Howard 275.00
Wesley Barnett 307.00

You need to be a member of the SPSDGA in order to sign up for bag tags. You can do so here: https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/South_Puget_Sound_Disc_Golf_Association_Club_Membership_2023

In tag matches, you get 1 point for playing and 1 point for every person you beat, ties broken by lowest tag number. To submit a match, click the button above and fill in the players that participated. Add players in order of winner first, second place, etc. You can optionally add scores, but if you add scores, you must enter a score for everyone. Please review the results before finalizing your match to ensure points are correct.

There will be 7 events, once a month, at a course in the South Puget Sound with an additional championship round, 8 total rounds (2 in October). Winning one of the events 1-7 are what you need to qualify for the championship (8th event) & the remaining spots go to the top 13 point earners. 20 total spots for the championship. In bag tag events, you get an extra 5 points for playing in the event itself. In the case that that events winner has won a previous bag tag event, the spot is given to the next highest placing person.