June Club Meeting 2022




2200 Garfield Ave NW
Olympia, WA 98502
United States

Event Details

Club meeting to discuss club financials and disc golf happenings in the south sound.

Meeting Notes

06/2/2022 6:00 pm, At Westside Lanes

President: John Anderson

Vice President: Josh Kendall

Treasurer: Mark Hill

Secretary: Jeff Snowden

At Large: Grandpa Dave



  1. Account Balance, assets, and location of assets
    1. Current Balance:  $9,162.92, Paypal $15,021.19,
    2. Current assets:
      1. Two Tables burned (Mark), two table non burned (GPD has both) Pop Up Canopy(Mark), Score point (Drew), large cooler (GPD)
      2. Club Discs (Mark), Glow discs from Scott Lake (Josh)
      3. Brush Trimmer (GPD), chain saw and accessories (John), Wheelbarrow (GPD)
      4. Club trailer with 18 Mach 5s, 1 Donated Mach 3 w/ 21 locks painted brown w/ trailer and the rental baskets (Rented)
    3. Keys to WCC Baskets (John, Mark, Rick, GPD, Josh, Jeff)
    4. Keys to Trailers baskets (John has extra, Mark has extra door key)
    5. SPSDGA Sign (Jeff)
    6. Keys to L&F
      1. Woodland (Rick, GPD and Dubs Binder)
      2. Evergreen L&F box out of commission
    7. Traffic Cones (Gilberts and GPDs)
    8. Membership
      1. 2022 -  151
  2. New Agenda Items
    1. Couio Update
      1. There are things that we have to design around
      2. Lacey has specific requirements about the property
        1. Hiking trail, wetland buffer, access roads, cross country track
      3. Goal is to have a 9000 ft par 60-61 course
        1. We will be limited by the woods holes to get to 9000 ft
      4. John A is point of contact for the club on the Couio project
    2. Basket Rental Program
      1. The baskets are rented currently
      2. Program has been successful so far, and interest is continuing to build as the word gets out
      3. July 4th weekend is tentative to have them at longview
      4. Skyline wants the baskets for two months - down by lucky mud
    3. Course Maintenance Needs
      1. Evergreen
        1. Tree at 12 to 13 needs cut, blocking path
        2. Mulch needed from paths to 7-8
        3. Path from 3-4 needs filled in (big roots)
        4. Hole 9s pad in the front needs evened out
      2. Woodland Creek
        1. Hole 11 needs trimmed and chipped
        2. Hole 10 needs more chips
        3. Hole 2 needs more long term thought on fixing the mud and drainage issue happening there
      3. Delphi
        1. Tee Signs are needed
          1. Goal is to have them installed before Odus fall open
        2. Holes 12 and 13 may need weeded, club will assess needs soon
    4. Bag Tags
      1. Two events down so far this season
        1. 24 participants showed up
      2. Next event is 18th of June
        1. Two rounds of 14 at Woodland
        2. 9 am shotgun start, check in prior to 9 am
        3. More specifics will be posted on social media
      3. One event a month through October, and then the finals will be in Oct
    5. 2023 Woodland Creek Classic
      1. Jeff has announced the 2023 classic will be his final classic running the event
        1. If you are interested in learning how to be a TD and run a event please reach out to Jeff Snowden and Mark Hill
  3. 2022 Events
    1. South Sound Classic Presented by PackEx Disc Golf and Sponsored by Dynamic Discs
      1. August 5-7th 2022
      2. Plan is to use Woodland Creek, Evergreen, and Delphi
        1. Plan is to play Delphi 1st day(Friday), Woodland 2nd day(Saturday), and Evergreen 3rd day (Sunday)
      3. Vote for tee signs designed, printed and installed prior to SSC
        1. 2nded
        2. Josh will reach out to Tim A to see if he has the digital designs still of evergreen to get the process started there
        3. Delphi signage is already in the works and will be used for caddy book
    2. Odus Fall Open
      1. Sept 16-18 2022, 3 day event
      2. 1st round at Evergreen
      3. 2nd and 3rd rounds at Delphi
      4. Looking for event donations still as well.  All proceeds from the raffle go right back into the courses and events you love!
      5. Will need a few people to help set up the morning of the event and a spotter will be needed
    3. Evergreen Equinox 2022
      1. August 20th and 21st, Mixed event
      2. Signs ups are on Disc Golf Scene
      3. Rob Beach is the TD for this event
        1. The event will not have a players pack, instead your signups will go to payouts
  4. Course Updates
    1. Woodland Creek
      1. Updates above
    2. Delphi
      1. Updates above
    3. Evergreen
      1. Updates above
  5. New Disc Golf Course Leads
    1. None
  6. Anything Missed
    1. None
  7. Thank you for being SPSDGA