414 4th Ave E
Olympia, WA 98501
United States
At Wild Man Brewing Gastropub
Event Details
A place to discuss all things disc golf within the South Sound area.
Meeting Notes
8/14/2023 6:30 pm, At O’Malleys
President: John Anderson
Vice President: Josh Kendall
Treasurer: Mark Hill
Secretary: Rob Beach
At Large: Grandpa Dave (not present)
Volunteer Coordinator: Rick Gill
Previous Month
Savings (WATDG)
- $1000 from Lewis county for building a course at Schaefer park.
2x tables (burned)
2x tables (non-burned)
1x Pop up canopy
1x Score point
1x Large water cooler
SPSDGA branded canopy
3x throwing nets (up one)
John (red), Mark 2x (red and black)
Club discs (~6 discraft, ~12 innova, 60-100 trilogy)
Glow discs
Team Oly MVP discs
Shop has 8, Mark has 3
2 brush trimmers
Chainsaw + acc
Evergreen Sportsman Club
Club trailer w/ 19 Mach 5s, 1 practice basket
Keys to WCC Baskets (ESC locks)
John, Mark, GPD, Josh, Jeff?, Rob, Rick
Keys to basket trailer
John has extra, Mark, GPD, McCarty
Keys to L&F (Woodland)
GPD, John, Rob, Rick, Mark, McCarthy
Keys to L&F (Evergreen
Rob, John, Mark, Dubs Binder
Traffic cones
Trailer, GPD, Gilby
- Possibly make a new run of SPSDGA discs
- John McCarty had one made from Rob. Mark’s doesn’t work. Possibly make extras for other people who deal with L&F.
- Membership
- 2023 - 146 (No change), 4 for 2024 through WCC
- Old Business
- Purchase “caution: flying discs” signs to place at courses.
- Rick has made 2, $100 donation from Rick for materials + time.
- Tee pad harvest work party July 15.
- 27 pads cut for us, 18 for another person up north.
- 3 people were there, Thanks Rob Beach, John Anderson, Tim Sharp
- Purchase “caution: flying discs” signs to place at courses.
- New Agenda Items
- SPS Disc Golfers FB group
- Lots of spam in our group.
- Couldn’t find a way to make a private group. Possibly make a new private group.
- McCarty volunteers to help moderate, if we create a new group.
- Josh will double check to make sure we can’t make it private.
- Intro to disc golf thru Lacey Senior Center starting in September
- GPD contacted by Justin Beard and interested in giving lessons to seniors.
- 1 day a week. No set agenda at the moment, but GPD will feel it out to see how it go.
- Take it by ear. No fee to participate.
- Do we want to run discs for lesson? No, GPD said he has enough to cover, unless there is more interest.
- Bees
- GPD has been out at all the courses, John got stung at Evergreen.
- One on 11 at WCP.
- Hole 10 at Evergreen in the landing zone. McCarty knows where.
- Any more found, please report.
- Fundraiser for TCI
- Thurston County Inclusion is a non profit to provide resources and events for kids aged 5-21.
- They want to work with us to create fundraiser events.
- Idea is 2 events.
- Pro/Am doubles at Delphi is a possibility. Coincide with west coast swing to attract people with the allure of playing with a touring pro.
- Other event could be a kids fundraiser, birdie run with a custom short layout at WCP.
- We need to contact interested parties like Chandler Fry and Jeff Spring to coordinate efforts.
- Any other ideas are welcome to help create a successful and profitable event.
- SPS Disc Golfers FB group
- 2023 Events
- South Sound Classic
- 146 players
- Was cool to see a lower rated player win MPO, first a tier win
- Thanks to Rick and Blaze for volunteering at WCP.
- The only real glitch was the portapotty didn’t show up at Evergreen.
- Super Throw Sunday
- Canceled due to lack of particpation
- Woodland Creek Classic
- 45 AMs sat, 28 Pros + am1 sun
- Player’s pack Innova discs, umbrella
- 60 ams would get discs, do we want to order 100 or order approximate amount for the amount signed up.
- Order the 100 because they should sell.
- Spotters for 12 and 16, if possible. Thanks Rick
- Club raffle the evening of Saturday. Looking for donations.
- Evergreen Equinox Fall Event - Sept 2-3
- Canceled, low participation
- Odus Fall Open
- Start adding some players who have officially qualified
- Need to figure out how many open spots for non Odus players
- Over $2000 ace pot
- 50 pros, 73 ams
- South Sound Classic
- Course Updates and ongoing work
- Woodland Creek
- Bees between 2/7
- Course is pretty good, aside from bees.
- Delphi
- Course is good
- Bees hole 9 and 12
- Josh to ask about rounds on hole 10.
- Evergreen
- Bees
- People liked changes to hole 1.
- We used to be under CRC, but now under the collegiate events division.
- We owe for SSC, Equinox, and Windfall. Don’t know when we will get billed.
- Evergreen Sportsman’s Club
- Work in progress (still), kind of on a break until busy season is over.
- Need to get 10 yards of gravel for tee pads
- Should be ~$270 for gravel
- Need a better plan for moving stuff: bigger machines, burn piles?
- Cuoio Park
- Rick ran into Justin Beard, Cuoio is 90% planned, should be playable next year.
- Arborist is looking at trees. Rick told arborist to look at tree on 9 at WCP.
- Ed Kunkel might be a good ally.
- Woodland Creek
- New Disc Golf Course Leads
- Schafer park
- Anything Missed
- GPD talked to dog walker who said disc golfer threatened her. Do we need to reiterate that WCP is a multi-use park?
- Thank you Rick and GPD for cleaning graffiti at WCP.
- Thank you for being SPSDGA